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“Diversity – Limits and Opportunities”- Introducing Our Table Hosts

“Diversity” seems to be all around us, but what does it really mean? What do people imagine when they are asking for a more diverse society? How can we approach aspects of diversity like gender, intersectionality, migration, or gentrification? What can we learn from communities worldwide?

Find out what diversity is all about and discuss your questions at the sixth WeberWorldCafé „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“ taking place on November 24th, 2016, from 3 – 6pm at Alte Mensa, Georg-August-University Göttingen. Enjoy controversial debates with our table hosts on the following topics:


Conflicts in Multi-Ethnic Societies – How Do We Get Along, If You Are Not Like Me?
Bouke de Vries (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)
Banu Karaca (EUME)

Fighting Complex Structures with New Concepts: How “Superdiversity” Can Help Us Understand Contemporary Migration Flows
Alexandre Tandé (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)
Laurence Lessard-Phillips (University of Birmingham)

Can Cool Little Boys Wear Skirts? Gender, Parenthood and Sexuality
Ronald Saladin (German Institute for Japanese Studies)
Sabine Grenz (University Göttingen)

Facing Various Axes of Oppression – Individual, Political and Legal Approaches to “Intersectionality”
Andrea D. Bührmann (University Göttingen)
Guilaine Kinouani (Writer, Feminist & Therapist)

Learning from the Past? Facts and Fictions from Historical Societies with Greater Diversity
Richard Wittmann (Orient Institut Istanbul)
Lorena Ossio Bustillos (Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy)

Optimizing the Body: From Health Protection to Genetic Embryo Modification
Simon Ledder (University of Tübingen)
Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty (University Göttingen)

DiverCities. Gentrification, Social Mobility and Public Spaces
Anouk Tersteeg (Researcher in the EU-project DIVERCITIES/Utrecht University)
Qudsiya Contractor (Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai)

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Max Weber Stiftung (10. Oktober 2016). “Diversity – Limits and Opportunities”- Introducing Our Table Hosts. WeberWorldCafé. Abgerufen am 21. Januar 2025 von

Max Weber Stiftung

The Max Weber Foundation promotes global research, focused on the areas of social sciences, cultural studies and the humanities. Our research is conducted at ten institutes in various countries across the globe with different and independent fields of focus. Through our globally operating institutes, we are able to contribute to the communication and networking between Germany and our host countries or regions. By promoting academic dialogue and merging academic and non-academic employees from several countries with different cultural backgrounds, the Max Weber Foundation is able to strengthen the internationalization of research.

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7 Antworten

  1. 17/10/2016

    […] our next WeberWorldCafé „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“, we are again looking for science reporters! If you want to participate as a Science Reporter, we […]

  2. 08/11/2016

    […] term in most of the short expert statements we posted here in this blog in preparation of our WeberWorldCafé „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“. Since modern multi-religious and multi-ethnic societies are complex hierarchies, and forces of […]

  3. 29/11/2016

    […] konnte Melike Şahinol an unserem WeberWorldCafé „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“ nicht teilnehmen, da sie als Organisatorin der Vortragsreihe „Natur umgestalten, menschliches […]

  4. 29/11/2016

    […] From Health Protection to Genetic Embryo Modification” im Rahmen der Veranstaltung “WeberWorldCafé” […]

  5. 19/12/2016

    […] 24. November durfte ich als Science Reporterin am WeberWorldCafé (WWC) zum Thema  „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“ in Göttingen teilnehmen. Die Idee der WWCs ist es, aktuelle Themen aus verschiedenen […]

  6. 21/12/2016

    […] 24. November durfte ich als Science Reporterin am WeberWorldCafé (WWC) zum Thema  „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“ in Göttingen teilnehmen. Die Idee der WWCs ist es, aktuelle Themen aus verschiedenen […]

  7. 24/05/2017

    […] term in most of the short expert statements we posted here in this blog in preparation of our WeberWorldCafé „Diversity – Limits and Opportunities“. Since modern multi-religious and multi-ethnic societies are complex hierarchies, and forces of […]

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