Negotiating Cultural Heritage: Tweet Gallery
You missed the last WeberWorldCafé „Negotiating Cultural Heritage“ in Berlin? You still want to read up on the different topics discussed in the Bode-Museum? We got you: in our Tweet Gallery you can find the best quotes and pictures of our event and explore various approaches to cultural heritage.
Bode‐Museum – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
[MWS/Trafo] Heute im Bode-Museum in Berlin: "Negotiating Cultural Heritage". Folge unseren Science Reportern unter #culturalheritage17
— Max Weber Stiftung (@webertweets) April 24, 2017
#urbaesta is in Bode Museum #Berlin for conversation on Negotiating Cultural Heritage #Culturalheritage17
— Rsha Kay (@Rasha_Kay) April 24, 2017
Just about to start: Negotiating Cultural Heritage. Making, Sustaining, Breaking, Sharing. #culturalheritage17 @ClusterAsiaEuro @BodeMuseum
— Aida Murtić (@Aiduscha) April 24, 2017
Part I: Introductory Session
The event started off with a Welcoming Address by Andreas Scholl (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz), Barbara Mittler (Cluster Asia and Europe, Heidelberg/Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin) and Hannah Baader (KHI Florenz/Art Histories, Berlin) to open the conversation.
Prof Mittler @ conference opening "Negotiating Cultural Heritage:Making, Sustaining, Breaking, Sharing" #Bodemuseum #Berlin @ClusterAsiaEuro
— Theresa Leisgang (@besal) April 24, 2017
The follow up to our Annual Conference 2016 has started at the @BodeMuseum in Berlin. #culturalheritage17 #transculturalstudies
— Asia and Europe in a Global Context (@ClusterAsiaEuro) April 24, 2017
Part II: WeberWorldCafé
The event continued with a WeberWorldCafé at the Museumscafé of the Bode-Museum that featured nine tables, each representing different aspects of and approaches to cultural heritage.
Image taken at the Digitizing Cultural Heritage table, hosted by Solveig Lawrenz (DAI, Berlin) and Thorsten Wübbena (DFK Paris).
1 of fav. discussion tables from ystrday's event #culturalheritage17 #Urbaesta
— Rsha Kay (@Rasha_Kay) April 25, 2017
Worldcafé at #Bodemuseum #Berlin @transregionalis @ClusterAsiaEuro
Are these the only functions of museums today? #culturalheritage17— Theresa Leisgang (@besal) April 24, 2017
Image taken at the table Museums. A Cultural Institution and Its Critique, hosted by Monique Bellan (OI Beirut) and Mohamed Esahed (British Museum, London).
@CirajRassool seems we are having the same discussions about decolonizing museal practices here. Come over for a chat at bode museum 🙂
— Theresa Leisgang (@besal) April 24, 2017
#culturalheritage17 discussion about exclusion in the new Humboldt-Forum Berlin: "why is the public not public enough?" #SchwierigesErbe
— Theresa Leisgang (@besal) April 24, 2017
Image taken at the table Heritage and the Legacies of Empire and Nation, hosted by Indra Sengupta (GHI London) and Banu Karaca (EUME-Fellow/Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin).
Image taken at the table dealing with Cultural Heritage and Popular Histories, hosted by Alia Mossallam EUME-Fellow/Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin).
Part III: Round Table
The concluding discussion, moderated by Hannah Baader (KHI Florenz/Art Histories, Berlin), was held between Monica Juneja (Cluster Asia and Europe, Heidelberg), Ralph Bodenstein (DAI, Berlin), Gerhard Wolf (KHI Florenz), Stefan Weber and the attending audience.
#Migration of ideas: What would have become of #Elvis without the Arab Oud?
Transcultural debate about #culturalheritage17 @BodeMuseum— Theresa Leisgang (@besal) April 24, 2017
Gerhard Wolf on global relocation: 'arch of Palmyra cut by robots are placed in front of Palazzo Vecchio' #culturalheritage17
— Aida Murtić (@Aiduscha) April 24, 2017
Monica Juneja (@clusterasiaeuro) sees museums as "place of knowledge production, laboratory, participatory space" #culturalheritage17
— Theresa Leisgang (@besal) April 24, 2017
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Max Weber Stiftung (24. April 2017). Negotiating Cultural Heritage: Tweet Gallery. WeberWorldCafé. Abgerufen am 26. Januar 2025 von