Elisa Marcobelli and Juliane Haubold-Stolle talked about Western Europe
Sebastian Jobs and Christina Spittel focused on the similarities and differences in the North American and Oceanian experience of the War
Valeska Huber and Fatameh Masjedi discussed the influence of the war on the Middle East
The table on Eastern Europe was hosted by Stephan Lehnstaedt and Andreas Mix
Eastern Europe
Silke Fehlemann and Frank Reichherzer talked about Central Europe
Central Europe
Torsten Weber and Samiksha Sehrawat discussed East and South Asia
East and South Asia
Michelle Moyd and Joe Lunn used their table cloth to help visualize Africa
Apart from twitter, the table cloth was also used for writing down small notes. This helps those coming to a table to trace the previous rounds of discussion. Click on the images and read what the participants discussed!
Elisa Marcobelli and Juliane Haubold-Stolle talked about Western Europe
Sebastian Jobs and Christina Spittel focused on the similarities and differences in the North American and Oceanian experience of the War
Valeska Huber and Fatameh Masjedi discussed the influence of the war on the Middle East
The table on Eastern Europe was hosted by Stephan Lehnstaedt and Andreas Mix
Eastern Europe
Silke Fehlemann and Frank Reichherzer talked about Central Europe
Central Europe
Torsten Weber and Samiksha Sehrawat discussed East and South Asia
East and South Asia
Michelle Moyd and Joe Lunn used their table cloth to help visualize Africa
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren: Max Weber Stiftung (22. September 2014). Analog notes between coffee stains (Photo Gallery). WeberWorldCafé. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/vbtj
The Max Weber Foundation promotes global research, focused on the areas of social sciences, cultural studies and the humanities. Our research is conducted at ten institutes in various countries across the globe with different and independent fields of focus. Through our globally operating institutes, we are able to contribute to the communication and networking between Germany and our host countries or regions. By promoting academic dialogue and merging academic and non-academic employees from several countries with different cultural backgrounds, the Max Weber Foundation is able to strengthen the internationalization of research.
Das WeberWorldCafé-Blog begleitet und dokumentiert die verschiedenen WeberWorldCafés und schafft so neben dem analogen Diskussionsraum während der Veranstaltungen einen zusätzlichen digitalen Raum für einen offenen Dialog. Ziel der WeberWorldCafés ist es, transregionale Themen aus möglichst vielen Perspektiven zu betrachten und wissenschaftliche Impulse aus verschiedenen Regionen zusammenzuführen.
The WeberWorldCafé blog links the digital possibilities of communication with the actual event of the WeberWorldCafés and creates an additional, digital space for open dialog. The aim of the WeberWorldCafé events is to discuss the transregional topics with manifold perspectives and thus bring together different academic impulses from various world regions.