Changing tables and changing neighbourhoods
By Jan-Carl Thotze When you come to think of neighbourhoods, you will find different connotations assigned to it. For instance, there is the neighbourhood of your childhood which reminds you...
By Jan-Carl Thotze When you come to think of neighbourhoods, you will find different connotations assigned to it. For instance, there is the neighbourhood of your childhood which reminds you...
In the run-up to our WeberWorldCafé “Transoceanic Cultures: The Sea in Past and Present” last October in Heidelberg, Johanna Beamish (Max Weber Stiftung) and Convener Susann Liebich (Heidelberg Centre for...
Remember our WeberWorldCafé “Transoceanic Cultures – The Sea in Past and Present”? Last October, we met with several experts on the seas and oceans, the transregionality of maritime cultures, and...
Am Dienstag, den 29. Januar 2019, war es soweit: in Berlin fand die elfte Auflage des Weber World Café zum Thema Changing Neighbourhoods statt. Gegen kurz nach 14 Uhr trudelten die ersten neugierigen Teilnehmenden in der Neuköllner Werkstatt der Kulturen ein und wurden bei der Anmeldung vom Organisationsteam der Max Weber Stiftung herzlich begrüßt.
„Sicherheit“, „“Vertrauen“, „Konflikte“ – das waren Stichworte, die die Teilnehmer*innen am Ende des WeberWorldCafés auf den ausgelegten Papiertischdecken vermerkt hatten.
On January 29, we met for the eleventh WeberWorldCafé “Changing Neighbourhoods” in the Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin. In case you were unable to attend, we collected some of the social...
At this table Britta Elena Hecking and Birgit Schäbler want to discuss with you what makes a neighbourhood.
At their table, Nazan Maksudyan and Fouad Gehad Marei want to discuss neighbourhood solidarity and neighbourhood-level activism with you.