“Safe for Democracy”?: African American Soldiers and the Home Front
The First World War was supposed to make the world safe for democracy, as the US President Woodrow Wilson famously said. His 14 Point plan called for the restructuring of...
The second WeberWorldCafé, “Narrating the First World War – Experiences and Reports from Transregional Perspectives”, took place on September 16, 2014 in and in cooperation with the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin. On its centennial, experts and participants discussed the effect of the First World War on civilians with a global perspective and within different disciplines, from literature to culture and aspects of gender.
The First World War was supposed to make the world safe for democracy, as the US President Woodrow Wilson famously said. His 14 Point plan called for the restructuring of...
Vom Film „Joyeux Noël“(2005) bis zur aktuellen Werbung der britischen Schokoladenmarke Sainsbury‘s, der Weihnachtsfrieden ist in der popkulturellen Erinnerung an den Ersten Weltkrieg fest verankert. Doch nicht überall wurden an Weihnachten...
In a three part series broadcasted on Aljazeera, Tunisian writer and broadcaster Malek Triki traces the history of the First World War through the perspective of the Arabic countries. Arab troops...
How did World War I destabilize the entire Middle Eastern state system? What was the role of national and transnational players and how did they compete with powerful international alliances? And...
Der Erste Weltkrieg modernisierte viele Bereiche des alltäglichen Lebens: von technischen Errungenschaften wie der Armbanduhr bis zu Gebrauchsgegenständen wie dem Papiertaschentuch. Auch Mode wurde durch den Krieg beeinflusst. Aufgrund der...
The results of the international symposium “The World During the First World War: Perceptions, Experiences, and Consequences”, which was organized by the German Historical Institute London, the Leibniz University Hanover, the Volkswagen...
Dr. Michelle Moyd is an Associate Professor at Indiana University. She is a trained historian of eastern Africa. In her research, she explores the social and cultural history of soldiers in...
by Janine Noack Interested and inspired by the article about the Weber World Café Charlotte Jahnz published last month on the Doing History in Public-blog, I decided that I wanted to experience the...