Changing tables and changing neighbourhoods
By Jan-Carl Thotze When you come to think of neighbourhoods, you will find different connotations assigned to it. For instance, there is the neighbourhood of your childhood which reminds you...
By Jan-Carl Thotze When you come to think of neighbourhoods, you will find different connotations assigned to it. For instance, there is the neighbourhood of your childhood which reminds you...
On January 29, we met for the eleventh WeberWorldCafé “Changing Neighbourhoods” in the Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin. In case you were unable to attend, we collected some of the social...
Wondering who will be the table hosts and what they will discuss with you at our next WeberWorldCafé on Changing Neighbourhoods? Here, you find a short overview of the six...
For our next WeberWorldCafé “Changing Neighourhoods” we are looking for Science Reporters! The next WeberWorldCafé “Changing Neighbourhoods” will take place on January 29, from 2:30pm – 6:00pm in Berlin. It...
1. Dezember 2017 – 14:00 bis 17:30 Uhr – im Café des Deutschen Historischen Museums Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin In regelmäßigen Abständen, insbesondere in unruhigen Zeiten wie den heutigen mit ihren...
Der Libanon und Deutschland haben die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention von 1989 ratifiziert. Artikel 28 legt das Recht jedes Kindes auf Bildung fest. Der Zuzug vieler geflüchteter Kinder und Jugendlicher nach Berlin 2015...
Julia Prosinger lebt als freie Reporterin in Berlin und arbeitet hauptsächlich für den Tagesspiegel. In den letzten Monaten hat sie regelmäßig über die Situation von Geflüchteten in Berlin geschrieben, ehrenamtliche...
Miriam Stock is a cultural geographer who deals with questions of migration, urban transformation, consumption and food cultures between Germany and the Arab region. She recently worked as an educational...