Exploring the Legacies of Colonialism in East Central Europe at the WeberWorldCafé #12
At the twelfth WeberWorldCafé, the discussions revolved around the topic of ‘Legacies of Colonialism in East Central Europe: Race, Scholarship and Politics’.
At the twelfth WeberWorldCafé, the discussions revolved around the topic of ‘Legacies of Colonialism in East Central Europe: Race, Scholarship and Politics’.
On October 10th, the 12th WeberWorldCafé on “Legacies of colonialism in East Central Europe: Race, Scholarship, and Politics” took place in the Museum am Rothenbaum – Kulturen und Künste der Welt.
For our next WeberWorldCafé on “Legacies of Colonialism in East Central Europe”, taking place in Hamburg, we are looking for Science Reporters!
By Jan-Carl Thotze When you come to think of neighbourhoods, you will find different connotations assigned to it. For instance, there is the neighbourhood of your childhood which reminds you...
Am Dienstag, den 29. Januar 2019, war es soweit: in Berlin fand die elfte Auflage des Weber World Café zum Thema Changing Neighbourhoods statt. Gegen kurz nach 14 Uhr trudelten die ersten neugierigen Teilnehmenden in der Neuköllner Werkstatt der Kulturen ein und wurden bei der Anmeldung vom Organisationsteam der Max Weber Stiftung herzlich begrüßt.
Von Anna Sawerthal Am 26. Oktober fand in Heidelberg das zehnte WeberWorldCafé statt. Die Jubiläums-Ausgabe des innovativen Formats stand ganz im Zeichen des Meeres: „The Sea in Past and Present“....
For our next WeberWorldCafé “Changing Neighourhoods” we are looking for Science Reporters! The next WeberWorldCafé “Changing Neighbourhoods” will take place on January 29, from 2:30pm – 6:00pm in Berlin. It...
By Kris Ramlan Recently, I attended the 10thWeberWorldCafé at the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies. It was certainly a Friday afternoon well spent traversing the broad theme of Transoceanic Cultures:...