Overview: The six discussion tables
Wondering who will be the table hosts and what they will discuss with you at our next WeberWorldCafé on Transoceanic Cultures? Here, you find a short overview of the six...
Wondering who will be the table hosts and what they will discuss with you at our next WeberWorldCafé on Transoceanic Cultures? Here, you find a short overview of the six...
When thinking about (tropical) islands and beaches, everyone seems to have a clear idea in mind. On their discussion table, Carsten Wergin and Felix Mallin plan to discuss these...
In our next WeberWorldCafé on Demographic Change, we will discuss on four different tables. Here, you find an overview of the table topics and the invited experts. On each table,...
Hier gibt es einen Einblick in das letzte WWC zum Thema “Russland in Europa – Europa in Russland”.
Als Vielvölkerstaat und eurasisches Imperium, das nach seiner Expansion nach Westen im 18. Jahrhundert seine Grenzen dann im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts ostwärts in den Kaukausus, nach Zentralasien und im...
At our next WeberWorldCafé, there will be an English-speaking discussion table on chances through exchange. Here, the two table hosts Botakoz Kassymbekova and Margaret Litvin give a first insight into...
Am Thementisch “Russland im Museum – Museum in Russland” wird es unter anderem um das Museum als Ort von Identitätsdebatten gehen. Kristiane Janeke, Kuratorin der Sonderausstellung “1917. Revolution. Russland und...
You missed the last WeberWorldCafé „Negotiating Cultural Heritage“ in Berlin? You still want to read up on the different topics discussed in the Bode-Museum? We got you: in our Tweet...